Canciones: “Disco 1: “Shoeshine boy”, “Rick rack”, “All the best people do it”, “Look over the hill an far away”, “Blood and glory”, “Song for Simon”, “I can’ t stop now”, “So bad thinkin”, “Patrick”, “Steamboat row”, “Her father din’ t like me anyway”, “Kep it to yourself”, “Coconut tree”, “Please sing a song for us” y “My singing bird”. Disco 2: “New street blues”, “Didn’ t?”, “Mr. Universe”, “Mary Sheffington”, “Long way round”, “Can I have my money back el d?”, “Sign one the dotted line”, “Make you break you”, “To each and everyone”, “One drink down”, “Don’ t count me out”, “Half a chance” y “Where i belong”.
Músicos: Gerry Rafferty (guitarra, teclados y voz), Billy Connolly (voz y guitarra), Roger Brown (guitarra eléctrica y voz), Joe Egan (voz), Zed Jenkins (guitarra eléctrica), Rod King (steel guitar), Tom Lasker (piano y teclados), Tony Lasker (teclados), Hugh Murphy (pandereta y voz), Rab Noakes (voz), Alan Parker (guitarra eléctrica),Tom Parker (armonio, harpsichord y teclados), Henry Spinetti (batería), Andrew Steele (batería), Andrew Steele (batería), Gary Taylor (bajo y voz) y John VanDernick (guitarra y violin).
Otras portadas: De Humblebums: Humblebums (1969), New Humblebums (1970) y Open up the door (1970). De Gerry Rafferty: City to City (1978), Night Owl (1979) y Spakers & Ladders (1980).
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