Canciones: Just Give Me One Good Reason. Help Me Make It (Power Of A Woman’s Love). Maybe Tomorrow. Teardrops Must Fall. You Better Move On. Love & Emotion. So In Love Are We. Love Me Like You Did Before. She Was Made In Heaven. End Of The Line.
Músicos: Willy DeVille (guitarra rítmica, slide guitar, guitarra solista y voz), Kenny Margolis (teclados, acordeón y vibráfono), Ricky Borgia (guitarras solista y rítmica), Louis Cortelezzi (saxophones), Joey Basta (bajo) y Tommy Price (batería). Percusiones (Tommy Price, Brother Johnny Espinet y Jim Maelan). Coros (Mink DeVille, The Exhilarations y Eve Moon).
Otras portadas: Cabretta (1977), Return to Magenta (1978), Le chat bleu (1980), Where Angels Fear To Tread (1983), Sportin’ Life (1985), Miracle (1987), Victory Mixture (1990) y Backstreets Of Desire (1992).
Otras portadas: Cabretta (1977), Return to Magenta (1978), Le chat bleu (1980), Where Angels Fear To Tread (1983), Sportin’ Life (1985), Miracle (1987), Victory Mixture (1990) y Backstreets Of Desire (1992).
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